Plants available from Pynes Indoor Plant Hire
These are some of the main species of plants we have in our nursery


The benefits of plants in a workplace
Prevent Sick Buildings - Satisfy Human Needs - Increase Creativity & Innovation - Decrease Stress


Businesses in Cairns who use Pynes Indoor Plant Hire and Garden Management
Where you will have seen our dedication to plants includes the following local Cairns businesses
Indoor Plant Hire
Let us help save yourself money, reduce toxins and breathe healthy life into your room, property or office with indoor plant hire.
Garden Maintenance
Outdoor garden landscaping & maintenance is the perfect way to create beauty and add value to your property.
Event Hire
Decorate your Cairns wedding, party, or North Queensland business event with fresh, healthy tropical plants.
Our Plants
Have a browse through the full range of plants available from Pynes Indoor Plant Hire and Garden Management
“We can help you maintain a harmonious space that will improve guest and client comfort while optimising staff efficiency.”
Catherine - Owner at Pynes Indoor Plant Hire and Garden Management
Contact us
Choose Pynes Indoor Plant Hire & Garden Management to take professional care of your outdoor garden

Call Catherine: 0421 546 597
Or e-mail us:

We look forward to working with you!
Our sister company
In 2020 Pynes Indoor Plant Hire & Garden Management acquired Cairns Indoor Plant Hire to better service our customers

Cairns Indoor Plant Hire by Pynes will assess your specific environment, including lighting, measurements and existing design to customise your requirements within the space you have available.


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